Sunday 12 May 2013


Gentlemen, does the following scene looks familiar? You, your wife (or girl-friend) and a few other couples are sitting in a restaurant. At one point your wife excuses herself to use the washroom! This is the secret code for all the other ladies to get up, grab their bags and follow your wife into the sacred chamber - never to be seen again!


Have you ever wandered why it takes us so long to return? Ever wandered what's going on behind closed doors? (for educational purposes only,- no kinky stuff please).

I have a good idea what we are doing in there. Just this afternoon I read an article about the popularity of washrooms in restaurants and bars - and apart from the occassional drug user, it's all harmless stuff!

Guys, let me be your fly on the wall in a female washroom: fly

As soon as we enter a bathroom, we women turn them into our social network lounges! Have you noticed, we love to chat! We chat waiting in line for a vacant cubicle, we chat when we are inside the cubicle. We might even chat to the stranger in the space next to us. If needed, we exchange toiletpaper through the gap with the woman on the other side of the wall.

The one thing we don't do, we don't poop- in plain men talk it means, fart! We rather explode than letting it rip!

When we leave our stall we gossip, apply a new layer of lipstick, add more powder to the face, comb our hair, chat some more! We wash and dry our hands long and thoroughly. By the end of our visit we have made a few more friends!

I asked Dominic what he does when he goes to the bathroom. He looks at me, raises his eyebrow and said:"Nothing!" ( he thinks: dumb question, what do you expect me to do?)  Literally, he walks in, does his business, washes his hands (???) and walks out. Now I get it, that's why there is never a queue in front of the WC for men -  you unsocial creatures you!

See ya tomorrow for day 6 of my 22 day challenge!

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