Monday 28 October 2013


Determination and a strong will is needed if you visit BC's annual Women's Show in Abbotsford.


Everything  a (woman's) heart desires is on display and to purchase.
You can start with a vacuum cleaner and finish with a timeshare in Kamloops.

It is not easy to walk the halls of TRADEX and return (nearly) empty handed. But that's what I came here for:  to find out what's going on in LadyLand without buying anything!!!!!(Am I sad or crazy?)
You see, when you share a roof with five guys it is easy to loose your female touch...

Thanks to my iron strong will I still have money left in my bank account and room on my various credit cards today!
Thanks to my personal mantra: " I am a perfect human being! No temptation is strong enough for me!" my bathroom drawers are still as empty today as they were yesterday!

Right from the start I successfully resisted temptation to spent $100.00 on eye serum ("these fine lines need more moisture, otherwise your face is flawless" - her words, not mine- though it's true).

 And right at the next stall I nearly fall for a similar ploy: this time it was the magical cream to get rid of my dark circles under my eyes. For another $ 100.00 I could have looked even more flawless.

In the last minute I remembered to tell the sales lady I normally sleep more than three hours at night. But it was my son's birthday sleep-over party and none of the boys wanted to fall asleep. So I didn't sleep either. .
I saved another $40.00 for not buying the 100% oxygen induced rejuvenating oil for my (flawless) skin.

I even said no to the Russian hairdresser who straightened my hair to perfection (and did a little boogie move at the same time)- and I must admit, I looked kinda' groovy with my new hairdo.

No, no, no to glitzy jewellery made in China (just watched a documentary about the Chinese taking over the world). Nope, I don't want to be part in their world domination....oops,  need to check where all my household appliances are coming from first before I open my big mouth!

It all went according to plan, until - , until....I saw the best invention for women who love cut off sleeves or low cut tops revealing their back: The strapless, hold - itself bra!!!! HURRAH, I found you!
Please don't tell me you knew about this one!
This is just perfecto and a dream come true for all my unused tops still hidden in my immigration suitcase.

So much for having an iron strong will! My knees went soft and I opened my purse!
 I might have violated my own credo; however, this tight butt German is no dummy:  In order to qualify for her multiple purchase discount ( 3 for 100.00) she waited patiently for two more ladies to discover their own sense of freedom (strapless bra that is)!

And so it goes, having a cleavage beats having a few fine lines any day!

And why do I leave you with photos of apples and pumpkins? Oh well, I talk and write about 'my boobs and cleavage I don't show them! It's that simple. Plus, what do apples and pumpkins remind you of? I am sure you see the connection!

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