Monday, 28 October 2013


Determination and a strong will is needed if you visit BC's annual Women's Show in Abbotsford.


Everything  a (woman's) heart desires is on display and to purchase.
You can start with a vacuum cleaner and finish with a timeshare in Kamloops.

It is not easy to walk the halls of TRADEX and return (nearly) empty handed. But that's what I came here for:  to find out what's going on in LadyLand without buying anything!!!!!(Am I sad or crazy?)
You see, when you share a roof with five guys it is easy to loose your female touch...

Thanks to my iron strong will I still have money left in my bank account and room on my various credit cards today!
Thanks to my personal mantra: " I am a perfect human being! No temptation is strong enough for me!" my bathroom drawers are still as empty today as they were yesterday!

Right from the start I successfully resisted temptation to spent $100.00 on eye serum ("these fine lines need more moisture, otherwise your face is flawless" - her words, not mine- though it's true).

 And right at the next stall I nearly fall for a similar ploy: this time it was the magical cream to get rid of my dark circles under my eyes. For another $ 100.00 I could have looked even more flawless.

In the last minute I remembered to tell the sales lady I normally sleep more than three hours at night. But it was my son's birthday sleep-over party and none of the boys wanted to fall asleep. So I didn't sleep either. .
I saved another $40.00 for not buying the 100% oxygen induced rejuvenating oil for my (flawless) skin.

I even said no to the Russian hairdresser who straightened my hair to perfection (and did a little boogie move at the same time)- and I must admit, I looked kinda' groovy with my new hairdo.

No, no, no to glitzy jewellery made in China (just watched a documentary about the Chinese taking over the world). Nope, I don't want to be part in their world domination....oops,  need to check where all my household appliances are coming from first before I open my big mouth!

It all went according to plan, until - , until....I saw the best invention for women who love cut off sleeves or low cut tops revealing their back: The strapless, hold - itself bra!!!! HURRAH, I found you!
Please don't tell me you knew about this one!
This is just perfecto and a dream come true for all my unused tops still hidden in my immigration suitcase.

So much for having an iron strong will! My knees went soft and I opened my purse!
 I might have violated my own credo; however, this tight butt German is no dummy:  In order to qualify for her multiple purchase discount ( 3 for 100.00) she waited patiently for two more ladies to discover their own sense of freedom (strapless bra that is)!

And so it goes, having a cleavage beats having a few fine lines any day!

And why do I leave you with photos of apples and pumpkins? Oh well, I talk and write about 'my boobs and cleavage I don't show them! It's that simple. Plus, what do apples and pumpkins remind you of? I am sure you see the connection!

Monday, 21 October 2013


In my perfect world I get fed, entertained, have a glass or two, have a good laugh and share some of my random ramblings.

You never know when or where you can live in your perfect world. To me it was on Saturday in Renfrew-Collingwood in East Vancouver. That was the day TED came to town.
No, not THE TED. He sent his smaller, independent sister, TEDx.

My friend Maya and we go!

  'Ideas worth spreading' are always ideas worth listening to, either on Netflix, YouTube or as listener during a real live event!

I kissed husband and kids goodbye and with a heavy heart (don't believe every word I am writing) I swapped the soccer field with Windermere College in Renfrew-Collingwood.

The topic for this local event was

Until  Saturday TED to me was all about talking, listening, sharing, being wowed, moved, knocked off my socks, entertained, laughing and never!!

Even before the first speaker spoke I sent this SMS to my husband:
You should see the breakfast buffet!

After the first round of speakers I sent him this picture:

Yes, I am one sad person, talking about the food and not about the speakers. So, let's start all over again:
The day began with a breakfast buffet (cakes, muffins, coffee, juices), continued with mid morning snacks (bagels, cream cheese, muffins), was split in half with lunch (soup, salad and bread)

 afternoon snacks,

 and ended with... an open bar!

Can you read why I am so excited?
One look at the well laid out table, one bite into anything really and I rose into "foodsie" heaven!

Why am I so impressed by this whole food-buffet- scenario? Because I never expected it! During our breaks I spoke to as many attendees as possible. We didn't agree on 'who the best speaker was', we all agreed on one thing though: The food was fabulicious, amazing, varied and nutritious!!!

Furthermore, the whole organisation was mind blowing (signs everywhere to lead the way to the washrooms.  Happy, friendly faces everywhere to show you the way in case you missed the signs!).
 Now that you know TEDx was supremely well organised with lots of free food and a free bar, it is time to  tell you about the real essence of this day:

How would you interpret FROM FAR TO HERE?
Here are 16 different interpretations of the 14 speakers (plus two non-verbal acts) :

If you are of First Nations origin you may choose to dance your way into our hearts in colourful costumes.

You can dance, talk, mime and have a ball telling your personal story about living your own dream and not your parents dream. I haven't seen anybody who does it as elegant and effortless as
  Dianna David does!

 Have the balls to follow your Dreams! Do you?

Elastica girl (aka Tuedon Ariri, a contortion performer)  gave us an eyeful into our human capacity to bend, twist, stretch and contort...our body beyond the possible! Tuedon didn't talk, she pretzeled herself up!

The Slam Poet, the attendee &  pretzel girl!

Music is always a perfect medium to get your message across and to interact with the audience.  One of Rup Sidhu's ( program's is dedicated to bring hip hop workshops into schools, prisons and rural communities.

You may use poetry to get your emotional message across:
 From self abusive "Stinking Thinking" to self love and self help as Bully Doctor
Dr. Valerie Mason-John did;  her link is here.

Poet Bertha Clark also used poetry to save herself, and her son. She used "Battle of the Poets"  to keep herself and her son sane during his 22 year long prison sentence ( this is a poet writing competition between her and her son).

A different form of poetry is Slam Poetry. It sounds like speed rapping a poem - do you know what I mean?  Miss Siling Zhang blew me away, I have never heard anything like it!

Young Miss Ann Makosinski, a high school student who won the Google Science Fair this year in her category. One smart cookie this lady is: She explained to us why and how she invented her winning flashlight that runs on the heat of the human  hand. And, she was the only one who used her cue cards- excellent!

If you are a professional, you may use your profession as the springboard to deliver your message:

Lawyer Andrew Pilliar wants to bring access to justice for everybody who needs it- 'cause not everybody can afford a high priced lawyer.

The IT professional who wants us to ask the more meaningful question of WHY instead of the dumbing question of HOW when we are purchasing a new electronic device. The question we should be asking is WHY is this better and why does this device lasts longer?  Bruce McKinlay spoke about Slow Technology: Be a Better User

The mother of two who wants us to focus more on telling our children to have super sex instead of having safe sex, Mrs. Marnie Goldenberg.
Marnie, as a mother of three I have no problem with your idea. Of course I want my children to have super sex! To educate my teenager about having safe sex is one thing, to wish him super sex is another! It;s the in - between I am worried about: I need to encourage him to have lots of sex... before he can have super sex! As you know, only practice makes perfect!
Do you see my dilemma?

The CEO with his dreadlocks (how cool!!!!) 
Michael Fergusson who finally opened my eyes about why my sons prefer  building villages with minecraft than mowing the lawn in our backyard. Sorry Michael, I know your message was so much more important - to me, this was important.

Caroline MacGillivray  the creator of Beautynight, offers makeovers to the underprivileged, poor women in Vancouver.  (What an awesome idea!!!).

We listened to Carmen Rosen a  local artist who narrated through her struggle and fight to bring the local ravine back to life.

We walked to the ravine in the afternoon

And these last two I am not sure about! To this day I am not sure about what their message was and what they wanted me to discover:
Sorry Stephanie Lim, what is it exactly you wanted me to eat, not to eat or know about locally grown food? Please check her link- I am sure you can figure it out! 

And last but not least we had Jerry Ewen whose message I am also not quite sure about either. It was something about being playful.... sorry Jerry, my mind must have been on the open bar!

All this was well presented in a playful manner by our hosts Brian Adler and Lindsay Smith.

What did I make of all this?
This TEDx event nourished my senses and filled my tummy.
For nine hours I was able to live in my perfect, well organized, politically correct, well presented world.
CHEERS to you all at TEDx.

Life is easy if you know where to find your perfect world!

Monday, 14 October 2013


This modern fairy tale can be found on
 (778) 574-1884

Dear Chopsticks On Pho

Happy First Birthday to you!

If you were a real person I would come on over and give you a big bear hug plus lots of sweet kisses! Unfortunately, you are a restaurant, so no real lovey stuff from me!

This is my virtual hug and thank you from me to you!
You gave this hard core curry wurst loving writer a taste of the tasty, crunchy, fresh, delicious Vietnamese life:

You are an  example to all of us:

You are here to show us that dreams and visions can come true
 (your owner Lynn imagined and wanted you for the longest time. For the longest time should read:  since she was a little girl watching her mom cooking in the kitchen).

You are proof  that it doesn't matter where we are coming from, what upbringing we had or what hardship we endured!

 (How many of us grew up in Communist North Vietnam, tried to flee the country several times only to be thrown back into prison? How many of us endured a refugee camp (Malaysia)? How many of us were at the mercy of a foreign country to offer us refugee status; to offer us a new chance in life (The Netherlands)? How many of us were send to yet another country (Canada) to live with a relative and to attend high school?)

You are testimony that husband and wife can work together:

(Lynn's amazing husband Steven gave up his job, his career (aka steady income) to join his wife in creating her dream).

Chopsticks on Pho,
you are showing parents with small children it is possible to start a business from the ground up with your two toddlers in tow (and no immediate family to fall back on to help with the occasional babysitting job). 

Your vegetable rolls are so fresh and so crispy it is actually embarrassing to bite into them 'cause they make so much noise when you chew ém (even if you chew with your mouth closed).

I love your well designed space, your long tables with the fresh flowers.

Your washrooms are so refreshingly clean, it is a joy to spend time in them
(my father taught me to always check out the toilets in a restaurant. His simple logic is, if the bathrooms are clean so is the kitchen).

Your kitchen is spic 'n span,  (I knew it)

your hostess is caring and your host with his cool spiky hair welcomes everybody with a handshake!

I need to rub in in again, we all have the same chances and opportunities in life!

 The only difference is: Some of us are willing to make the personal sacrifices necessary to keep our dream alive, to make it our reality!

Thank you Lynn and Steven for your creation, Chopsticks on Pho!
Your restaurant is a tasty, healthy, clean, fresh, warm addition to anything Surrey has to offer!

 May the star of prosperity shine bright and high above you for many, many happy returns!

Chopsticks on Pho:
For more information, Please click on this link.

In case you don't know what PHO means, please go to Wiki.


Wednesday, 9 October 2013


It has been a week of new discoveries on all fronts for me.
Today I understand the true meaning behind "Join us for a fun filled fund raiser at the local pub".

Decoded it means:
 Spend lots of money for the off change to win a crappy present. Sit in a booth and chat with your booth partners.
OK, fair enough, we had fun. But why didn't I win anything crappy?

I also reconfirmed my belief about going to a party by myself:  You don't get distracted by your husband, you will meet so many new faces, you have a good laugh  and you can leave whenever you want to.

During one of my solo trips at a local deli I came across a 'familiar face'.

"Where did we meet before?" We both couldn't figure out how, where or when we met earlier - we both knew it was here in B.C. and not during our previous life!
Hilda told me her story and it all came back to me:

 Do you remember about my job at the pharmacy department?
Do you remember the hip and trendy senior I told you about who couldn't decide which pyjama bottom to buy?  The lady who was going to divorce her husband of 53 years?
 It's her, the hip and trendy lady!  We met again amidst other strangers at the party.  Please tell me that is crazy!

And true to her word she left her husband!

And last but not least I made the scary discovery  "Big Brother is watching me" right here at our local  shopping mall parking lot!
Big Brother was watching me and took a picture of my car as I went across the road (20 meters) to purchase candy at a shop across from the mall.

 The fine? $ 63,50 for leaving my cat at the parking lot and not shopping at the stores in the mall!   (In fact I did that earlier. Big Brother didn't watch me then)

Isn't that crazy?
 Apparently there are seven signs with the warning "For Shoppers only"
 Does anyone know what that means exactly?

Why don't they write on the signs:

I wrote a firm, informative letter to appeal against my ticket.  Let's see if  the written word makes any difference;  otherwise, these Halloween candies were the most expensive ones ever!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


What does it take to lead a stress free life?
Two rules! There are two rules only to go from happy to happy to happy!

Rule No. 1: Always have plan B, C or D in place, especially when you become a parent or open up your own business!
Rule No.2: Always, always expect the worst case scenario!

Let me elaborate:
Let's take something as mundane as our monthly shopping trip to the States to fill up fridge and freezer. 
We Germans are allowed to enter the United States as long as we hold a valid visa waiver. This piece of paper costs us $ 6.00 and is valid for three months.

The document needs to be handed in prior to it's expiration date. If you are late or overdue, shit happens!
What is the worse thing that can happen to us? 

Our visitor rights can be revoked - either for a short or longer period of time (YEARS!!!!).

It happened to me once and literally, all hell broke loose. You do not mess with the border officers guarding the United States of America. They have been given super powers and authority! 
As a rule you don't smile, try to be friendly, charming, witty or engaging!

At the border crossing you need to be and do what you have been told! This has to be your plain, simple, easy to follow rule to entering the USA successfully.

Guess what I noticed on our way to the border this morning? Right, I was late again! Darn! For the second time in nearly two years I simply forgot to hand in my green waiver form.

Our worst case  scenario was simple; I handed Dominic my carefully crafted shopping list,  made sure I had my glasses, a pen and a book on me. We decided for Dom to proceed alone to visit Fred Meyers and Costco. I, on the other hand would stay at the Duty Free shop to keep myself busy for at least three hours.
I even planned for a suspension;  in my mind I said good - bye to trips to Hawaii or California in the near future. In other words, we prepared ourselves for the worst case.

We hand over our passports, the officer sends us inside to the office to get my new waiver form!
Once inside I receive a form, a pen, loud attitude from my own husband because for the fifth time in a row I am filling in my date of birth into the departure date- category (no wonder he gets upset, his wife doesn't get it. I on the other hand, want to know when they finally change the category?).
Two sets of finger prints, a visa payment and a new form in my passport later we are send back on the road.
Just like that! They gave us a smile (!!!), made a few - nice- comments and we were dismissed. Just-like-that!
Can you read I am still in shock?

  Have they been Canadianised?  Has some of the Canadian friendliness finally rubbed up on them?  Did Barack send them a letter of warning to behave towards the Germans, or did they all get lucky last night?

This is the advantage of the worst case scenario-rule: You are prepared for anything and everything!
And if you are,  there is always a pleasant surprise waiting for you!

 America, The Land of the Free, let's go shopping!

Do you agree or disagree with my theory??
Let's hear it!