Friday 12 July 2013

One Thousand Kilometers

further down the road and we are still in Oregon.
Our driver, fabulous husband extra-ordinaire Dominic, is doing a great job maneuvering this big 30 feet Beast along Hwy 101.

 So far he brought us from Trailer Trash Park (sorry, photos deleted)

via Newport

 to Loon Lake, (Reedsport)

to the magnificent Sand Dunes,
 all the way down to Gold Beach -  our last stop before we hit Cali.

 To put us in the right frame of mind, our boys make us listen to the Red Hot Chilly Pepper's Californication over and over again...

The views along the coast are magnificent,

the water of the Pacific is freezing cold

and the wind blows so hard it can take your breath away:

California, I hope you have less wind and more sun for us: 35 miles to go -


  1. Have fun in my birth place. The sunny state where you can plan a bbq a month in advance. Where you can ski and surf on the same day.

  2. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU ARE FROM Oregon- OR ARE YOU FROM cALIF? wE didn't know it would be sooo cold along the coast- Ski and surf on the same day? You can do that in Vancouver - AND play Golf too!
