Saturday 11 July 2015


After immigrating to Canada, my 7th country of choice to live in, I hit premenopausal midlife crises! Oh bummer!
If you are a man reading this you may have no clue what I am talking about! 
If you are a woman you may have a clue!

You may want to pour yourself a coffee, this is going to be good...

The bad news?
For approximately one full year I drove The Best Man of All (aka husband) crazy!!! 
The  good news?
I am back, stronger, better and more focused than ever!
What happened?
Thanks to hormonal overload I wrote a book. 
Yes, a real one! Not "I am contributing a chapter to a book"...kinda writing.
It's called "My Strawberry Lounge Story" How I got over my Fears, dumped my xcuses and Started the business of my Dreams, The Motherpreneur Way!
Because I always wanted to! It's a great book, full of tips, inspiration and super helpful if you want to start your own coffee shop business. 

Premenopausal midlife crises lets your brain go into overdrive. It makes you come up with silly ideas and fancy words, like
starting your own You Tube Channel 'cause you always wanted to host an entertainment show on TV- (and you need to start somewhere)
or coming up with terms like 
and a tag line that reads,
Kiss Your Excuses Goodbye!

And why am I telling you all this?
It's a female trait, I like to share, to talk.
I wanted you to know,
being confused once in a while is OK!
No knowing which direction to take is OK!
Being lost is OK!
It can happen to all of us, regardless of who we are, where we live or how old we are!

What's next?
The future looks
Fancy? Totally! 
Creative? You bet!
Ready for action? Each and every day!
The mission: To inspire, empower and entertain! 

As i said, thanks to my adventure into menopausal overdrive I gave birth to the term The Motherpreneur!

So, what is a Motherpreneur exactly?

Motherpreneurs are

          happy, independent thinking women!

We know it's possible to combine motherhood with our personal, big,fat or small dreams!Most of us are still working on it, but we are well on our way!We are a piece of art, we are our own experiment!We know how to love, to laugh, to hug, to cry, to be brave, to take a step back and always moving forward!

We are not holding ourselves back!
We dance' cause nobody is watching (ha, everybody is checking their phones)!
We make a splash if,  and whenever we want to!

We don't need a facelift - we don't need botox!We don't need fancy clothes ' cause our heart is beautiful and with our smile, energy and contagious positive attitude we are always well dressed- if not over dressed! We come in all different shapes, forms and sizes! Each of us is unique and special (like the rest of the world)! We are uniquely equipped with our own special gift (like the rest of the world)!We are daughters, sisters, mothers, aunties, grandmas, wives, girl-friend, lovers, neighbours, role models! We worked hard finding out who we are and what we want!Motherpreneurs are YES girls!We know the difference between a YES that leads to more fun and opportunities in our life and a YES that causes stress, more work and being taking advantage off! Motherpreneurs are emotional stable women!We love to help and support each other but we don't follow blindly a call that promises happiness, fulfillment, riches!We are our own inspiration!We set an example to our children!We are more than just mothers!We are an inspiration!To ourselves, to our family and to the world!At the end of the day we know we need to walk the road alone- and we are strong in the knowledge we are not alone!

We are all in this journey together!

Welcome to planet Motherpreneur!

Are you a Motherpreneur?
Not a mother, don't stress!
You can be all of the above without having to have children! 

Did I forget something? Please shoot- I am honoured to add your suggestions!

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