However, I will flick through magazines at the check-out; I know what is going on in trendy, fashion land! I am painfully aware about the few designers who dress the modern man in skirts or even worse, in tights!
So when our second teenager asked me
"Do you know what Harem pants are?"
check out this link here
I could answer him without hesitation
"Yes I do!"
"Do you like them?"
"Do I like them or would I wear them?
You wanna know the truth? Harem pants are the most ridiculous, unflattering piece of clothes a man or woman can slip into. Harem pants are an insult to my eyes, they look ridiculous on most individuals, especially on men and women with short legs- they look to me you are wearing a grown-up diaper.
Why do you ask?"
As you can read, diplomacy is definitely not my personal strong point-
"So you think they look silly?"
" Yes!"
"Where can you buy them, at H&M?"
"Go and call them or look on eBay."
After some quick searches teenage boy informs me they are only about $ 15.00 on eBay.
"Mom, I need to tell you something, you might hate me, but I want to buy a pair! of harem pants!"
Why would I hate my own son? Why would he think that? I don't hate, I fall over, laughing!
It took all my willpower to keep a straight face, not to laugh out loud!
"OK, cool
Where do you get the idea from anyway? Who of your friends is wearing nappy pants?
"None of my friends; actually, it's Justin Bieber!"
This boy is killing me! Justin Bieber?
But then, who am I? I have never been a 13 year old boy
I am only his mother who had a crush on Rod Steward - never copied his hair style though.
Does he know Justin loves running around shirtless, drives a Ferrari and wears golden necklaces?
Oh, the golden necklace! Don't get me started on that one....
.Please mothers of teenage sons, I need your help! Do you think I emotionally scar our teen by making fun of him?
In case you want to know what I prefer when it comes to teen fashion: Here is our oldest teenager in plain, simple, cool chic!